EA has announced that they will no longer support the title, which already has a sequel available and another about to release. The Sims 2 is currently not available for purchase on Origin, so if you want the game this is the only way to get it at this time.

Considering how heavily The Sims franchise relies on expansions, this is a ton of content being offered for free. If you encounter any problems, run the game as administrator and be sure to update your video drivers and have DirectX installed which you can get here.The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection contains the original The Sims 2 game as well as every expansion pack and stuff pack. Once complete, launch the game, have fun, and play.Be sure to disable any form of anti-virus so no files get corrupted. Click “Copy contents of CODEX directory to installdir” and then click install.Double click inside the The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection Torrent Download folder, extract the.Once The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection Torrent Download is done downloading, right-click on the torrent and select “Open Containing Folder”.If you don’t have a torrent application, click here to download uTorrent. Click the download button below and you will be asked if you want to open the torrent.The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection Torrent Instructions All Sims age, and can live to 90 sim days depending on the degree to which their aspirations are fulfilled. Sims have life goals, wants and fears, the fulfillment of which can produce both positive or negative outcomes. The Sims 2, like its predecessor, does not have a defined final goal gameplay is open-ended. The Sims 2 the same concept as its predecessor: players control their Sims in various activities and form relationships in a manner similar to real life.